Welcome to St. John's School
Mission of St. John's School
At our school, all our teachers and staff have one common goal and purpose: to prepare children for life and eternity through Jesus.
Vision Statement
As an extension of our church, St. John's Lutheran School prepares children for a life of Christian service here on earth and for eternity with Jesus in heaven.
To carry this out, our school will:
- Equip children to be Christian witnesses and prepare them for eternal life with their Savior through the study of God's Word.
- Provide a Christian, caring environment in which God's love is mirrored in the relationships among students, faculty and staff.
- Give children the skills they need to be knowledgeable students, successful workers, and productive citizens.
- Serve as an arm of outreach to our community.
- Strengthen families to grow in Christ.
Each component of our vision is expressed in terms of multiple objectives, some of which are benchmarks (essential aspects of excellent Christian education which are already firmly rooted at St. John's) and some of which are aspirations (ways in which we aim to improve upon our benchmarks).
Principal's Message
Hello friends and families!
I think it is safe to say that children are some of the most precious gifts on earth. John F. Kennedy once said "Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future." Where you send those gifts to assist you in educating and teaching is a big decision, one we do not take lightly. St. John's Lutheran School exists to prepare children for life and eternity, through Jesus.
We prepare students for life by educating the whole child. We teach at a very high level. We are consistently ranked as one of the top schools in Milwaukee in the areas of math and reading. The teachers at St. John's work tirelessly to prepare your children for life. In addition to math and reading, you can expect your children to receive daily religion classes, science and social studies, art, music, and physical education, and even more!
Every good and perfect gift is from above. - James 1:17
One of the biggest blessings of sending your children to St. John's is the investment your teachers will make into each and every child. While we pride ourselves on our academics, we see our true purpose fulfilled in teaching these precious gifts about their Savior, Jesus. They will learn about love Jesus has shown us and how to show that love to the world in word and action. Everything that is taught, whether academic, social, or spiritual, will be done through a Biblical lens. At St. John's your children (and you) are more than just numbers and names, you are our family. We make a commitment to love, challenge, support, and assist you as we work to raise up these precious gifts.
With love,
Charles Galecki, Principal
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